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Writer's pictureSusan Ardila

Grading 2.0: The Rise of Competency-Based Grading (And Why It’s Cooler Than You Think)

Students holding signs that read "I am not my grade"

Hello, fellow education enthusiasts! Strap in because we're about to embark on a captivating journey into the world of Competency-Based Grading (CBG). And let me tell you, it's as exhilarating as stumbling upon a forgotten chocolate bar in your coat pocket.

Now, I'll be transparent here. Until recently, CBG was as alien to me as quantum physics. You might have heard it mentioned as Mastery-Based Grading or Standards-Based Grading—different in their own ways, but for the sake of this blog, let's consider them as one, acknowledging the nuances in grading scales. This revelation occurred when one of my students in sunny California shared that their school had embraced this newfangled system. My initial reaction? Utter bewilderment, followed by a frantic deep-dive into every corner of the internet.

And, oh boy, did I unearth some gems!

So, if you're like me, navigating the uncharted waters of CBG, fear not! You're not alone, and guess what? The journey is just as thrilling as the destination. Let's dive in together, shall we?

What is this Competency-Based Grading thing?

So, what's this Competency-based grading (CBG) all about? Well, let me tell you, it's not about collecting grades like Pokemon cards. Nope. CBG focuses on mastering specific skills or knowledge areas1. It's like leveling up in a video game, but with less dragons and more algebra. And the best part? This isn't just some fad like fidget spinners. Science backs it up, proving its effectiveness in higher education2,3.

I can imagine parents being overwhelmed with these "new" competency based report cards.

Now, as an educator who has devoted their entire adult life to this profession, the initial bewilderment was real. Switching gears to put myself in the shoes of my parents who haven't worked in education, I grappled with the idea. Getting a report card filled with competencies might be overwhelming, especially if aligned with state standards verbatim.

Yet, as I pondered this, I couldn't help but recall the numerous instances where traditional grading fell short in providing a holistic view of a student's abilities. Take little Johnny, for example, who managed a passing grade in math. Conventional grading might not reveal his exceptional prowess in reciting multiplication tables. Conversely, little Sally, consistently earning high marks, might be grappling with math fluency, impacting both her confidence and grades.

Why should we give a hoot about Competency-Based Grading?

You might be thinking, "Why fix what ain't broke?" Well, the traditional grading system is a bit like using a flip phone in 2023. Sure, it works, but there are better options out there. Traditional grading often overlooks a student's abilities, focusing more on memory tests than actual understanding. CBG emphasizes understanding and application of knowledge, which is more useful unless you're planning a career in trivia4.

Variation of Traditional Grading System Vs Competency Based Grading System
Variation of Traditional Grading System Vs Competency Based Grading System

Plus, CBG is like the Netflix of education – it allows for personalized learning paths. This means students can learn at their own pace without feeling like they're in an episode of Wacky Races5.

The Perks of Competency-Based Grading

For the Kiddos

CBG gives students a clear path for learning. It's like having a GPS for their educational journey, and who doesn't love a good GPS?6.

For the Grown-ups

For educators, CBG is like a Swiss Army knife – versatile and practical. It allows teachers to tailor their teaching methods to each student's needs. Plus, it provides a more accurate measure of a student's understanding, which is always handy unless you enjoy playing educational roulette7.

Does Competency-Based Grading actually work?

A group of diverse middle school students working together on a project.
Competency Based Grading and been proven to improve academic performance and foster critical thinking skills.

In a nutshell? Yes. Studies have shown that CBG improves academic performance and fosters critical thinking and practical skills7. It's like a workout for the brain, but without the sweat and heavy lifting8.

The Science-y Stuff Behind Competency-Based Grading

So, what does science say about CBG? A study published in the Journal of Graduate Medical Education found that narrative data from a national assessment system can provide valuable insights into students' competency5. Another research conducted by the Cleveland Clinic suggested that a portfolio-based system built around competency can raise potential questions for future research7. In other words, it works, and we're still figuring out all the ways it can be even better.

Implementing CBG: The Game Plan

Changing systems can be as daunting as assembling IKEA furniture, but fear not! Here are some strategies to make the transition smoother than your morning coffee:

  1. Clear Communication: Make sure everyone knows what's going on. We don't want anyone thinking CBG is a new sandwich at the cafeteria8.

  2. Professional Development for Educators: Teachers are the backbone of this operation, so let's make sure they know their stuff9.

  3. Use of Technology: There's an app for that! Technological tools can help in assessing and tracking student competencies8.

Math Wizdom: Where CBG Meets Its Match

And where does Math Wizdom fit into all this? We're right at the forefront, embracing CBG with open arms. With our tutor, armed with the wisdom of educational therapy, we're all about making CBG work for your child. We're here to help them master those crucial skills and unlock their full academic potential.

The Future: It's CBG, Baby!

Two ethnic high school students working together in class.
Let's strive to create life-long learners!

So, dear parents and educators, let's embrace the educational revolution. CBG isn't just a trend; it's the Beyoncé of grading systems. Let's ensure our kids aren't just acing grades; they're becoming lifelong learners.

The future of education is here, and it's shouting, "I am Competency-Based!"


  1. "Competency-based training: who benefits?" PMJ. Link

  2. "Alternative grading practices: An entry point for faculty in competency‐based education." Wiley Online Library. Link

  3. "Student Grading in Higher Education for Competency Based Education System." SSRN. Link

  4. "Competency based grading in students' achievement." ProQuest. Link

  5. "Student perspectives on assessment: experience in a competency-based portfolio system." Taylor & Francis Online. Link ↩2

  6. "From Traditional to Competency-Based Education: A Study of the Impact on Academic Performance." SSRN Electronic Journal. Also, "Competency-Based Medical Education: The Wave of the Future?" Journal of Graduate Medical Education. Link Link

  7. "Two professors' experience with competency‐based education." Wiley Online Library. Link ↩2 ↩3

  8. "A review of competency‐based learning: Tools, assessments, and recommendations." Wiley Online Library. Link ↩2 ↩3

  9. "Competency-based assessment and the use of performance-based evaluation rubrics in higher education: Challenges towards the next decade." CEEOL. Link

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