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Writer's pictureSusan Ardila

Unlocking Potential: The Transformative Power of Belief in Education

Reflecting on the Power of Belief

As I sat here last night, immersed in memories and moments that have shaped my journey as an educator, one particular story stood out. It's a story that not only marked a transition in my teaching career (It was my first day teaching middle school math coming from teaching elementary science and social studies)  but also imparted a lesson that still resonates with me today. It's a tale of belief, understanding, and the remarkable transformation of a student who reignited my passion for teaching.

Among the many challenges we face as educators, teaching students who are navigating not just the complexities of adolescence but also the intricacies of a new language and culture, stands out. This was the case with a student who walked into my classroom one sweltering August day. He was an ELL student, a first-generation immigrant in the United States, carrying the weight of not just his hoodie but also his family's hopes and the challenge of adapting to a new educational system.

The Power of Belief: A Story from My First Day

Teaching middle school math has always been a journey filled with unexpected moments, but none as memorable as my first day teaching 7th grade. I remember walking into the classroom, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. At 4'11.5", I've always been on the shorter side, but that day, I met someone who made most grown men I knew look small in comparison.

A Memorable First Encounter

It was a typical August day in Texas, sweltering and bright, yet he walked into my classroom shrouded in a black hoodie, drawn so far down it almost completely covered his eyes. To some, his demeanor might have seemed intimidating. He moved with a kind of silent anger, a frustration at the world that was palpable as he plopped down and buried his head in his arms.

I approached him, tapping gently on his shoulder. As he looked up, I met his gaze with a smile and said, "You and me are gonna be besties by the end of the year." It was a statement of hope, a promise of belief in him, and a challenge to the both of us.

And I wasn't wrong.

Challenges and Triumphs

After a couple of days of warming  up to me (I can be a lot sometimes), he confessed to me, in his tentative English, that he couldn't recall ever passing a math class. This revelation wasn't just a comment on his past educational experiences but a window into the uncertainty and self-doubt that many ELL students face. It underscored the importance of our role as educators in not just teaching content but also in building confidence and a sense of belonging.

In my classroom, I operate on a principle that might seem strict to some: I don't give extra credit. My philosophy is straightforward—if a student couldn't engage with the work when initially asked, what makes me think that they’ll complete extra work that’s even more challenging.. This approach is not about being unforgiving but about maintaining high expectations and fairness. I don't play favorites, nor do I hand out brownie points. Every student earns their grade through hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to learn.

It's amazing what can happen, when a student has someone on their side, who believes in them.

Against this backdrop, the student's journey through my math class was nothing short of remarkable. With every lesson, his understanding deepened, not just of math, but of his own potential. His progress was a testament to his resilience and determination. By the end of the year, he had passed my math class with a solid B—a grade that reflected not just his grasp of mathematical concepts but his incredible journey of personal growth.

This experience reinforced a belief that has guided my teaching philosophy: every student, regardless of background or language proficiency, has the potential to succeed. It's not just about the grades they earn but the obstacles they overcome in the process. As educators, our job is to provide the support, challenge, and belief that can transform their potential into reality.

The Role of Educators Beyond Academics

Math teacher and 4 male high school students all working cooperatively.
It's about seeing beyond the exterior, the hoodies, and the silent protests, to recognize the individual yearning for connection, understanding, and acceptance.

This story isn't just about breaking the ice or making a bold prediction; it's about the profound belief in the potential of every student that walks into my classroom. It's about seeing beyond the exterior, the hoodies, and the silent protests, to recognize the individual yearning for connection, understanding, and acceptance.

As educators, our role extends far beyond teaching academics; it's about nurturing relationships that empower students to see beyond their current circumstances. It's about creating an environment where every student knows they have someone who believes in them, someone who sees their potential to succeed.

This experience on my first day of teaching middle school math taught me an invaluable lesson: the power of belief can transform relationships and, by extension, lives. It's a lesson I carry with me in every class, with every student I meet. Because sometimes, all it takes is one person to believe in you to change your trajectory.

A Testament to Belief

The journey of this young man, from a silent figure in a hoodie to a successful math student, underscores a critical truth in education: belief in a student's potential can ignite their desire to succeed, regardless of their background or the challenges they face. It's a testament to the transformative power of belief and the impact it can have on a student's academic journey and beyond.

Math Wizdom: Where Belief Meets Achievement

At Math Wizdom, we believe in the power of personalized attention and the importance of believing in each student's potential. If you or someone you know is looking for a supportive, understanding environment to unlock their mathematical abilities, we're here to help. Let's embark on this journey together, because at Math Wizdom, we believe in more than just numbers; we believe in the potential within every student.

A group of young, diverse, happpy students.
At Math Wizdom, we believe in more than just numbers; we believe in the potential within every student.

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